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The report is highly useful for the increase in social mail

سماجی رابطے اور میل جول بڑھانے سے زندگی بڑھتی ہے اور اس کےبہترین جسمانی اور نفسیاتی اثرات مرتب ہوتے ہیں۔ فوٹو: فائل

London: According to experts, human beings are a social beast and the development of links to other humans results in many types of medical, psychological and physical benefits. Contrary to this, isolation and acne causes many diseases, including depression from the disease.

Psychiatrist Susan Pinter says that when we meet a conjunction, its effect is like vaccine, because the brain eliminates neuro transmitters that eliminate stress and depression. Mischievousness and plotting also eliminates brain oxygen tobacco. Man increases the confidence of the other man and thus increases his motivation.
In the same way a survey found that one year ago, if husband and wife take care of each other, it reduces one another's physical pain. In addition, a research conducted on cancer patients has shown that if friends and family cooperates, it increases the ability to cure chemotherapy and mental brain.

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In similar society, memory matching with others improves memory, and the effect of time spent in friends is the same as a painful pain.
Matthew Lieberman, Professor of University of California Brakley, says that if you understand something, then it is better to learn something from a test or an exam. According to Dr. Matthew, when social awareness arises, man learns and practices better.
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Last year, another report said that good and deep friendship prevents brain from being affected. Neurology and the Alizheimer Center of Northwestern University, located in Chicago, surveyed the elderly people who were 80 years old. In them, experts noted one important thing that they had many friends and kept them deeper.
Thus, experts have called social links, jokes and conversations as an essential component of life and it is useful for health. Contrary isolation is very hazardous for human health, which can cause depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, and many kinds of psychiatric diseases in humans.
The report is highly useful for the increase in social mail The report is highly useful for the increase in social mail Reviewed by DailyTimes on 00:54 Rating: 5

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